Meet the "Girl Riot Society" Dallas Chapter Heather T-shirt: your new feminist armor. This isn't just a tee; it's a statement. With a unisex design that fits like a well-loved favorite, it combines comfort with attitude. The crew neck and short sleeves are all about classic vibes, while the dual sideseams ensure it keeps its shape, no matter the battle.
Crafted from the finest combed and ring-spun cotton, dyed and cut in the USA, this shirt isn't just soft—it's strong, standing for socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible production. Ready to be customized, it's the perfect canvas for your boldest statements and fiercest designs.
If you're looking for quality, ethics, and a dash of rebellion, this is your tee. Wear it, declare it, and join the "Girl Riot Society" Dallas Chapter. Let's make noise, with style.